The new Edición Limitada 2024 made a grand debut at Madrid’s iconic Plaza de Toros, blending tradition with modern design in a cigar that promises to captivate enthusiasts worldwide.
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This past weekend, the Cuban cigar scene was ablaze with excitement as Tabacalera S.L.U., the exclusive distributor of Cuban cigars in Spain, hosted a spectacular launch event for the highly anticipated H. Upmann Magnum Finite Edición Limitada 2024. Set against the iconic backdrop of Plaza de Toros Las Ventas, Madrid’s grand bullfighting arena, this premiere was a celebration of Cuban heritage, craftsmanship, and luxury - an element we tend to see more and more often with Habanos launches and packaging. There’s something unforgettable about introducing a new cigar in a venue that resonates with history and the Magnum Finite arrived with the kind of grandeur that you would expect in the world of Cuban cigars.
The H. Upmann Magnum Finite made its first appearance earlier this year at the Habanos Festival, creating buzz among aficionados everywhere like all Ediccion Limitadas tend to do. This cigar joins one of my favorite lines, the distinguished Magnum series, but in a form factor that, while unique, fits neatly within the robusto family. Classified as Vitola de Galera Singulares, it measures 130 mm in length with a 53 ring gauge.
A New Look for H. Upmann
A Personal Note on the Magnum Line
As a longtime admirer of the Magnum series, the H. Upmann Magnum Finite holds a special allure. There’s a certain satisfaction in seeing H. Upmann honor its legacy while branching out with a new, modernized design. Habanos has clearly taken steps to keep this launch unique while staying true to the brand’s core values. I find myself drawn to the combination of tradition and modernisation in this release, and I’m genuinely excited to experience what the Magnum Finite has to offer. The balance of old-world charm and contemporary elegance is something I can’t wait to savor. It’s probably the same excitement I had for the Hoyo De Monterrey Destinos, review soon to come.
A New Classic on the Horizon
While no commercial release date or retail price has been set for the Magnum Finite, I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the chance to light one up. This cigar promises to be a fitting addition to the Magnum series, bringing with it a blend of refinement, history, and modernity that captures the spirit of H. Upmann in a truly special way.
Wishing you rich flavors and good company—until we meet again.