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The Connoisseur's Countdown. The Ultimate New Year's Cigar Compendium

The Connoisseur's Countdown. The Ultimate New Year's Cigar Compendium

In the last moments of 2023, as the hands of the clock rapidly march towards midnight, the cigar connoisseurs and aficionados find themselves engaged in a most animated discussion. What vitola or brand shall herald the end of one year and the beginning of another? The very air seems rife with anticipation, laden with the scent of rich tobacco. In this spirit, I have taken the liberty of curating a succinct compendium of cigars, a selection carefully designed to guide the aficionado in making an enlightened choice for this most ceremonious of transitions. Whether it be the last ember of the year past or the first spark of 2024, may it illuminate your decision with the glow of wisdom.

What constitutes the quintessential celebration cigar? It is not merely any cigar plucked from the humidor, no… it demands to be a rarefied entity. Perhaps it's one that has gracefully aged, its existence whispered about in the corridors of tobacconists, or a vintage jewel, its price tag a testament to its rarity.

To merely enumerate cigars that have retreated into the annals of history, rendering them unattainable, would be to provide a list of phantoms, exquisite, undoubtedly, but of little utility, as V.T., a prophet in such matters once remarked. So, as you peruse this list, you shall encounter a curated collection of the extraordinary cigars that are limited in release, yet not beyond the reach of a determined seeker. I shall try to impart knowledge of their possible whereabouts, in the hopes of guiding you to these treasures.

As the dawn of the new year approaches with haste, I shall dive directly into this wonderful list, presented in no sequence of preference or prestige.

Arturo Fuente Opus X
The history of the Dominican cigar empire was irrevocably altered in the year of 1995 with the launch of the Fuente Fuente OpusX, a brand that began a revolutionary chapter. Prior to its illustrious unveiling, skepticism clouded the notion that the Dominican Republic could cultivate wrapper tobacco of any notable caliber. Yet, defying the doubters, the Carlito Fuente embarked on an audacious venture: they sowed Cuban seeds, nurtured them beneath delicate shade, and, in a triumphant crescendo, unveiled a harvest of splendid, reddish-brown leaves, pulsating with vigor and personality. This tobacco, remarkable in color and constitution, became the cornerstone of the Fuente Fuente OpusX—a lineage of cigars, dark and daring, each a mosaic of peppery zests and leather aromas.

Among the many variations of the OpusX, flavours can dance and reach different shapes, yet I bet you'll never encounter one that doesn't leave an impression. These cigars, while broadly accessible and fairly priced considering the meticulous craftsmanship they demand, are gems worth seeking. Should the opportunity arise, and you find yourself with an OpusX as the clock chimes the advent of the New Year, rest assured, it will be an encounter well worth the anticipation.

Cohiba Ideales Colecciòn Habanos
The Cohiba Ideales stands as the most grandiose in the trinity of recent Cohiba releases in 2022. Measuring an imposing 175mm with a 56 ring gauge, Its stature is accentuated by the adornment of not one, but two additional bands: the esteemed Coleccion Habanos and a special band commemorating Cohiba's 55th Anniversary. Each of the 3,000 boxes, a treasure chest containing 20 of these cigars, boasts a unique number and is presented with a high dose of luxury, with costs ranging between a pricely $12,000 to $20,000 mere months post-release. The crafting of these boxes is credited to DECUBA Arte en Madera of Havana

As these cigars begin to grace the shelves of La Casa del Habano stores globally, their presence is fleeting; once vanished, they are destined to reappear only within the hallowed halls of auction sites, their value ever ascending. The Cohiba Ideales is not merely a cigar; it is an emblem of celebration destined to be hunted by connoisseurs and collectors alike.

Cohiba Behike 56
Within the portfolio of Cuban cigars, there exists a hierarchy of desire,and the award of most desired goes to the Cohiba Behike 56. 

While it may appear to be a standard offering, the Cohiba Behike 56's aura is distinctly exceptional, elevated by the scarce medio tiempo leaves essential to its unique blend and the current rarity of suitable wrapper leaves needed to construct its esteemed vitola - Laguito No. 6. These constraints have rendered the Behike 56 a prize increasingly elusive, ensuring its cost keeps going up.
The artisans responsible for Cohiba, a marque synonymous with superlative quality, are no strangers to this burden of excellence. The Behike 56 offers an abundance of cigar for the aficionado's dollar: a robust 56 ring gauge paired with a length of 166mm promises a smoking experience approximately two hours in duration, categorized as medium-to-full strength by Habanos S.A.

In the quest for this treasure, one might venture to the realms of auction sites or, the more fortunate ones, discover it nestled within the humidors of select La Casa Del Habano boutiques globally. Should you acquire such a gem, expect to invest between $250 and $400 for a single cigar.

Davidoff Year of the Dragon.
In the year that pays homage to the celestial dragon, Davidoff has unveiled a limited edition cigar, a creation that not only celebrates but embodies the mystique of this most revered of zodiac beasts. Encased within a box of iridescent lacquer with the motif of dragon scales, lies the cigar itself, a marvel of craftsmanship and homage to the dragon's storied vigor. At the heart of this presentation sits the dragon emblem, cradling a pearl, that ancient symbol of wisdom, affluence, and fortune, deeply rooted in the history of Chinese lore.

The cigar offers an uncut foot, a tantalizing invitation to a sensory odyssey that commences with 2.5 cm of pure, unadulterated flavor, “sans” wrapper. As the journey unfolds, a tapestry of earthy, woody, and herbal notes gives way to a crescendo of nutty, creamy, and licorice accents. The symphony swells with the sweetness of honey, the spiciness of white pepper, before it culminates in a finale of fresh spices and oak wood, all dancing around a core of dark chocolate.

This medium-strength marvel is a testament to Davidoff's unparalleled blending and rolling prowess, a harmonious blend of 8 distinct tobacco varieties “aged a cumulative 60 years”**. The Double Corona, a stately 190mm in length and 50 ring gauge, promises a smoking journey of over 90 minutes

With a global release of a mere 19,500 boxes, these cigars, available at Davidoff of Geneva and Davidoff of London stores, are anticipated to become but a whispered legend by the summer of 2024. It is a cigar that not only captivates the eye with its aesthetic grace but decorates the palate with its complex array of flavors.

** Davidoff's proclamation that "all the tobacco used in this cigar have over more than 60 years of age" requests a moment of reflection. The assertion beckons one to ponder: if a cigar is rolled from 8 leaves, each aged 7 years and 6 months, does this aggregate to a 60-year aged cigar? The arithmetic may suggest so, yet in essence, it remains a cigar of 7 years maturity. This is perhaps a testament to the ever more ingenious marketing departments and their quest to enchant us all.

Cuban Davidoff
Davidoff cigars of Cuban origin have ascended to the pinnacle of desirability among connoisseurs. Their allure is intoxicating: an indisputable quality that captivates and a rarity that elevates them to the realm of the supreme. They have become a veritable trophy in the collection of any enthusiast intent on acquiring the finest handcrafted Cuban cigars. As the Dominican Republic takes the mantle in producing Davidoff cigars, the vintage Cuban variants grow ever more elusive, transforming them into treasures that are pursued and savored by the fortunate few.

In the United Kingdom, these Cuban Davidoffs are whispered treasures within select cigar parlors, available to those who inquire with the right hint of curiosity and knowledge. While the festive fireworks of New Year's Eve might beckon, I advise a different destiny for these impeccable smokes. Picture the dawn of 2024, a serene morning with close kin and confidants, a glass of effervescent champagne in hand, and the Cuban Davidoff igniting as the inaugural cigar of the year. Bear in mind the delicate nature of these cigars; they have at least 32 years of age, they demand a setting that mirrors their distinction and fragility. A disorderly celebration may overshadow their nuanced symphony of flavors. Thus, I recommend for a more intimate gathering, a moment where the Cuban Davidoff can be duly appreciated and its legacy and finesse enjoyed in every puff.

Habanos Regional Editions
In the year 2005, the esteemed Habanos S.A. unveiled the Regional Edition (Edición Regional) programme, an initiative that offers distributors the unique privilege of commissioning exclusive cigars specifically for their areas annually.

Initially, the scheme excluded the ten premium Global and Niche brands from participation. However, the restructure of 2019 saw the dissolution of the niche category, thereby admitting Cuaba and San Cristóbal de la Habana into the Regional Edition fold, though the status of Trinidad remains somewhat enigmatic. The stipulation is that the cigars must be of a standard size currently in production but not previously offered within the requested brand vitolario. Since 2016, a new rule precludes regions from featuring the same brand consecutively in a two-year cycle. While initially, distributors might commission multiple cigars annually, the post-2012 mandate limits this to a singular cigar per region. Larger distributors might navigate this by designating different regions within their portfolio.

The process is distributor-initiated, proposing their concept to Habanos, which then undergoes an approval process. Upon greenlighting, the distributor commits to a minimum order and assumes the production costs upfront. Should there be a desire for bespoke packaging, that too falls within their court. Habanos, in turn, crafts three prototype blends from which the distributor selects the final iteration. 

These Regional Edition cigars typically bear two bands: the brand's standard and a distinctive red and silver "Exclusivo" band, which carries the region's name in Spanish. Some instances might see a unique foot band as well. The early releases didn't specify the region on the generic band, a practice that evolved from the pre-2005 era when distributors could commission exclusive cigars without distinctive bands or markings.

The Regional Editions are often more sought after than even the Cuban Limited Editions, Regional Editions are geographically bound to the distributor's territory, enhancing their rarity and desirability. They stand as fitting tributes for life's milestones or perhaps as a distinguished companion to incoronate in the New Year.

The pursuit of rare, aged, and limited cigars from Cuba and beyond (the New World) is an intricate one, but the most important cigar is always the one presently in hand, which needs 200 skilled artisans working by hand only so that it can come to life. Each cigar is a testament to craftsmanship and tradition.

For my own part, as the year concludes, I shall be savoring a Cohiba Behike 52, and greeting 2024 with an H. Upmann Sir Winston Gran Reserva. The tales of these experiences will be forthcoming. Until then, a toast to a Happy New Year and may 2024 be the finest year yet.